AZ Cheat Sheet
Login and Subscription
az login --use-device-code
az account show
- Set Subscription
az account set --subscription SubscriptionName
- Create Storage Account
az storage account create --location eastus --name ContainerName --resource-group RG --sku Standard_RAGRS --kind BlobStorage --access-tier Hot
- Get Keys
az storage account keys list --resource-group RG --account-name ContainerName --output table
- Create Container
az storage container create --name Container-Name --account-name Storage-Account-Name --account-key sample/mbRMrfrMSvofr65ihghNyR+1SH41kGXP/SMMDBf8Hrv2UWknKwvKcPvK/rOB8EqGjQGx9zc5ZbhM7QHYuabqtA==
- Copy Data from local to Container
az storage blob upload-batch --destination Container-Name --pattern "*.exe" --source "c:\Users\admin\Downloads" --account-name Storage-Account-Name --account-key sample/mbRMrfrMSvofr65ihghNyR+1SH41kGXP/SMMDBf8Hrv2UWknKwvKcPvK/rOB8EqGjQGx9zc5ZbhM7QHYuabqtA==